Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My sweet dear friend....

Today marks 365 days since I've heard your voice, your laughter, or saw that big beautiful smile. I feel a piece of my heart is missing with you gone. I have the comfort of knowing your very well taken care of & that all along God's plan was to use you to change many lives, including mine. Having you as a friend and going through your battle with you has forever enriched my life. When times get hard I think to myself "this is nothing like you went through", or when the kids are driving me crazy I think how you wouldn't give 1 hour to hold little man. You gave me a passion to want to help others. I've continued my promise to help find a cure and will never stop till one is found or I join you up there! I have the pleasure to see little man several times a week either at preschool or at my house. When I get into school & get hugs from him its a piece of you. Jeff is doing an amazing job, I know your proud of him. Everytime I see a daisy I think of you. Everytime I see a lot of the color pink I think of you. Everytime I hear "So What" I think of you. Everyone at the relay meetings bring your name up every month still remembering what a inspiration you were. You forever changed Relay for Life. And because of you so many more people are involved. This weekend we will celebrate you with a Memorial race. I know we always said "We want to be runners but hate to run!" Well as you know I took up running after you left last year. Somedays it was the only way to release my sadness, anger, & clear my mind. So we thought what better way to honor you than to put on a 5k/10k!! Thanks for all the registrants, I know your helping us out big time because we don't have a clue what we're doing!!
I will continue to keep all my promises I made and I dream about the day I see that smile again, and we can laugh and talk like we used to, but until then I hold you in my heart & see you in Ethans eyes. Enjoy it up there my friend you truly deserve it. With so much love..............


Jessie said...

Beautifully said....see you Saturday..

Sandy said...

That came from deep in the heart. I've been thinking about you all day Jenelle, she's definately smiling down at all the work you've done to try and prevent this heartache for someone else. You're an amazing friend. See you soon Ms Coordinator :)

Tera said...

I already told you this, but I've been praying for you today. Thanking for sharing from your heart.

Brittany said...

What great memorial to Andrea. Today must be very tough for you. Andrea would be proud of all that you are doing.

Abbie said...

So glad you posted - I was thinking of you yesterday also. Such a sweet letter that represents such an amazing friendship:) You are a strong woman, Jenelle!

Kelly said...

I thought about you a lot yesterday Jenelle. You are doing great things for Relay for Life, I am sure Andrea is very proud of you! And don't be stressing about Saturday--you will do great :) see you then, if not before.

Tara said...

Tears streaming down my face, what an incredible day to celebrate Andrea and what she was most passionate about. Praying for you and those closest to her today and in the days to come

Nicole Benjamin said...

You don't know me, but I ran saturday in the 10k. I just wanted to let you know that you guys did an AMAZING job! The race was very well organized & planned out. I look forward to participating again next year!! Great job :)